Burning Apple
Posted on 13/10/09 by Felix Geisendörfer

Apple fanboy? Caught in the distortion field? No problem, there is a cure:
As you can see, I have not always been a Mac user. In fact I passionately hated anything Mac after my first contact with an iMac (OS 10.3). I did this video in 2005 while I was a foreign exchange student in Atlanta. My friend in the video is still using PCs - don't flash you fancy macbook next to him in a coffee shop!
Why I have held back posting this for so long? I just integrated transload.it into debuggable.com and needed a video to test. More gems like this are on their way : ).
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Is that kid trying to look like PC in the Get a Mac adverts?
Martin Petts: I don't know if those were around back then, but no - as Frank has already praised - this was done with very little planning : )
oh ! ... the HORROR ! ... o comon man ! ... MAC is great :P
Does this also provide a screen grab from the video to use before the video is played?
The transload.it service I mean.
Hey Andrew: I'm building that right now. Eventually transload.it will be like unix where you can combine as many tools together by "piping" the results from one tool to the other : ).
Yeah, yeah....
you never know the person bevore you´ve seen his debut video!!!
Looking forward to see more stuff
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Sorry, but the video is totally boring. It is a shame with the time.