Recommended Reading
Posted on 13/9/08 by Felix Geisendörfer

Hey folks,
today I'd like to recommend some blogs and articles to you that I'm enjoying right now.
As heavily promoted by Nate Abele at the CakePHP workshop, everybody should be familiar with the Five Rules published by Paul M. Jones. You also should read up on the history of the user agent string but it might cause you nightmares.
Merlin Mann is also changing the theme of his blog, an inspiring sample is his making time to make series. Other then that I currently also enjoy reading Coding Horror, Nuts and Bolts of CakePHP and the github blog.
Happy Reading and stay tuned for my next posts - I'm working on something ; ).
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Those avant-gardish rules are wonderful!
I have to thank you for the little promo, and I gotta say coming from you (considering I've been following your blog almost since day 1 of my work with cakephp) it means a lot ;)
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The "Make Time To Make" is really good, thanks for the link.