Workshop Day 2
Posted on 8/9/08 by Felix Geisendörfer

Hey folks,
here are some shots of day #2:
Tim doing his presentation on validation:
The attendees all in one picture:
The Cake Gary (aka NOSLOW) who took the initiative in having his company sponsor the workshop gave to us. We can't thank Gary enough for everything he did.
Garrett "gwoo" Woodworth and Nate Abele holding the cake.
The two Germans joining them:
Me doing some presenting as well:
Nate explaining ACL:
Tim and me happy with some beer:
Playing Tischfussball:
Last but not least a little teaser. Anybody remembering Tim deleting the cake core?
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Great time at the workshop. Although some (okay, a lot) of it was over my newb head with respect to the practical Cake implementation, I think I learned more than I'm able to assimilate yet. I documented my thoughts and suggestions at, if anyone's interested.
Great job by everyone and thanks for taking the time. If you ever find yourselves in Baltimore/DC, give a yell.
The workshop was awsome, I feel that I am leaps and bounds ahead of where I would have been without it. You guys were great. Taking the time to answer all of our questions and give us new ideas about implementation. I can't think you enough. I am looking forward to attending another workshop next year. Keep up the GREAT work on cakePHP!
Thanks again for this workshop. It's already come into play 5 minutes after walking in the door my first day back. Some rather urgent issues were dispatched handily with some of the things I learned over the weekend.
Here's hoping I'll get some time for some refactoring of some other projects, too. Lots of good info, some of it newer to Cake than my last commits to the projects themselves!
Thanks everybody for the sentiments. :) We are already planning a different approach to future workshops, to make it easier for real cake beginners to consume all the information.
If you guys have any suggestions, please feel free to let us know. :) Thanks everyone for attending! We had a great time and it was good to see you all there!
Cool, wish here, far away, in Venezuela we could have a CakePHP workshop or activities too..
adrianifero: Well, you might consider the the next CakeFest in Argentinia. :)
on "The two Germans joining them:", are Tim's hands on both sides? If yes, you're like Mister Fantastic, with a damn long arm!
Oh yeah, my right arm is the longest in the world, what were you thinking? :]
dunno... it could - should at least... - be Felix' arms... wierd!
rafaelbandeira3: it is my arm, it just looks weird like the rest of me ; p
Felix Geisrndörfer: Humm...! No, but it's not your arm that is weird... the pic is! cuz it looks like Tim's arms but then it would have to be a freaking long arm - the longest I've seen!
Thanks again for everything Felix and Tim. The trip was great. We have already started making our cake apps better. Also, tell Ms. Socket I said hi!
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Thanks so much for all your help at the workshop. It was a great time, lots of fun and lots of learning. I would say it was a total success; well done! Very much looking forward to the a future "advanced" workshop, next year. Any time of you guys are around Louisville, KY - let me know.